Network today!

Connect with traveling professionals during your next trip using Travelers Grid! Don't be that guy/gal at the hotel bar alone on your iPad when you can connect with others nearby or even in the same hotel!

Keeping it Professional!

Travelers Grid keeps networking professional. Requiring users to login with their LinkedIn™ credentials, user profiles are populated with the professional data used from the most trusted professional networking site.

View Nearby Travelers

Using location services, view nearby traveling professionals and those who are willing to connect while you are traveling in their home city. Also search those that will be nearby during your future travel dates and locations.

Current Travel

Travelers Grid uses location services to determine where you are traveling at the moment. View nearby professionals and let them know where you are by updating your status.

Future Travel

Have multiple trips coming up? Add future travel to let others know when you will be in town so they can plan accordingly. Coming soon - add your future travels by connecting with TripIt™.

Even while you're home!

Not traveling? Don't worry - you can also connect with others traveling in your hometown while you're at home. Simply set your home location at initial setup and Travelers Grid will know when you are at home and not on the go.

Questions? Feedback? Feel free to contact us.

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